4 min read
Last updated: April 12, 2023

Even the most green-fingered individuals can sometimes find gardening a chore. For others, weekends and evenings are for making the most of outdoor living, not for slaving over endless gardening tasks.
Here are nine great ways to have a fabulous outdoor area at your home with minimal stress or hassle.
1. Put the blades away
Grass under your feet can be a weight around your shoulders. In the summer months, it can eat away your precious leisure time with constant mowing, as well as regular work to keep it weed-free and looking lush.
The ultimate tip for low maintenance gardens is the latest in highly realistic artificial grass. You lose none of the visual appeals, but you gain a lawn that needs little or no effort for some years.
Think how many hours of your life you’ll win back when you can get rid of your lawnmower!
2. Create hard standing
Having an area of your outdoors in a hard material is not just useful for parking vehicles.
You could carve off some garden space for a patio or decking. It creates a great spot for sitting, socialising and admiring your garden but it also reduces the amount of space requiring constant attention. A well-built permanent structure needs little maintenance and means less room for weeds and overgrown shrubs to spoil your outlook.
3. Zoning and controlling
If you’re wildly passionate about gardening then a complex and seasonally varied array of plants could be perfect. However, it’s possible to balance aesthetics with easy gardening.
Keep both the layout of your garden and the plants you choose simple. You could create zones for certain types of plants or garden features, to make it straightforward to prune in one area, weed in another and sit and relax somewhere else.
You could include one part that is deliberately left to run “wild” as an attractive feature.
4. And sow to beds
Having beds of rapturously colourful flowers and foliage can mean preparation and planting for a large part of the year. Creating raised beds can make this task a great deal easier. There won’t be as much bending or grovelling. You may even master the art of tending beds from the comfort of a chair!
5. On the borders
Another time-consuming task is keeping your borders stocked and neat.
Instead, bed shrubs down in your borders. This low maintenance garden idea creates robust, year-round interest and weeds find it harder to survive.
6. Flowers for all seasons
If you love a splash of colour then flowers are a must. However, check out the hardy perennial varieties, such as Lavender, Geranium and Phlox. Apart from being left in year-round, these plants give great ground cover to beat back weeds.
7. Mulch matters
Having a layer of mulch can go a long way towards keeping weeds away too.
This could be something to enrich your soil, or a semi-permanent cover like shredded bark, bark nuggets, shells or woodchips. Mulch can become an attractive organic feature in its own right.
8. Go potty
Another great tip for low maintenance gardening ideas is to keep your planting and pruning activities contained and ordered in large pots and planters. The range of decorative items available is vast. This keeps ground-level clear for quality artificial grass and a patio or decking.
9. Get organised
Take time to get your tools in full working order and neatly stored.
Keeping equipment clean, and putting it away dry, saves time in the long run and makes blades sharper and more effective!
Contact us at Artificial Grass Direct to discuss artificial grass for your garden, so you can be sitting pretty.
Related Category: Gardening Tips