3 min read
Last updated: April 12, 2023
The common phrase ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’ has never been truer when it comes to laying artificial grass to your space. Whilst there are many crucial steps involved in the process of laying artificial grass, the most important is the first step which for many is removing the grass or turf that currently occupies the space.
Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as just cutting around the grass and pulling up the turf.

There are three main ways that you can remove grass:
Manual Digging
Simply using a bit of strength, elbow grease and a good garden spade is the most popular way of removing lawn. Cut squares into the grass (around 10 x 10 inches) and dig each square out individually. This will ensure you remove the majority of the roots. The further down you choose to dig, the more subbase you will require when laying the artificial grass so make sure you stay at a reasonable depth and don’t get too carried away. Before you begin this process, it’s wise to water the lawn a few days prior in order to ensure it is moist and easier to remove.
If manual labour isn’t quite your thing and you’d rather nature take its course, then solarisation is an option. To do this, you’ll have to make sure you have more time on your hands as this process can take around six to eight weeks, and that’s if you’re getting a good amount of sunlight each day. The process involves cutting the grass very short and then covering it with a sheet of clear plastic. As the sun’s rays kill off the turf, they’ll also kill off any weeds too.
On the other hand, if you don’t receive much sunlight and the above option is a definite no for you, there is always the option of doing the opposite. By covering the grass in light-excluding material like tarpaulin and denying it of sunlight, the temperature under the material will ultimately cause the grass to dry up and die beneath it. This process takes a similar time to solarisation, so make sure you plan ahead if you choose this.
If you need any more expert advice on installing your artificial lawn then be sure to get in touch with us today, or simply check out our fantastic range of artificial grass now.

Related Category: Gardening Tips