2 min read
Last updated: February 29, 2024
‘Is it best to use artificial grass here?’ is one of the most common questions we get asked by our clients and customers, and the answer is; it depends.
The Family Home
For families (particularly young families), we know that your most valuable resource is time. During the summer months, the natural grass will just grow, grow, grow and this will mean dragging the mower, out once a fortnight, which you’re probably sick of, just to keep on top of things.
Then in winter if the garden is used too much or it’s a little boggy, muddy footprints will be a constant nightmare, making fake turf an ideal alternative for creating your family gardens.

Whether it be a school, sporting facility or public playground; artificial grass means not having to worry about maintenance or the safety of your play area. Synthetic turf also won’t wear away like natural grass, so if you’re short on space, and certain areas get overused, these areas can turn into a bit of a mud pit.

All Business
The versatility and customisation allow almost infinite options to create a beautiful indoor or outdoor space for businesses of any size. Even if fake grass isn’t directly related to the business, creating an amazing display or entrance to your business can immediately create an uplift in sales. It is very suitable for temporary settings too as it can be stored and reused many times, and our grass typically lasts for decades.
We’ve spent decades working with some of the best suppliers of artificial grass in the country and the world to ensure the highest possible quality in their products. While it isn’t exactly sending anyone to Mars, the technology that goes into our grass has come a long way since we started and continues to improve.

Check out our extensive range of artificial grasses and order yours today. Should you need additional information, feel free to read our FAQ page as well as our artificial grass reviews. Should you need any assistance with your purchase, our friendly team is always happy to help.
Related Category: Artificial Grass FAQ